Friday, April 12, 2019

Tips for Increasing your Organic Reach on Search

As a brand are you assured that your content is reaching the right audiences? 

Surely you may be posting on social media and witnessing increasing some user interaction but is all of it helping your brand organically? With extensive paid content being promoted across social media platforms, the power of money seems to have overtaken the power of good old organic growth. In fact the falling organic reach of posts on all platforms is causing many smaller brands sleepless nights.

Understanding organic growth and its challenges

For the layman, organic growth on social media is best described as the reach or growth of a post without any money behind it. Since most social media platforms allow users to make use of their paid promotions that offer increasing penetration of posts to the interested users, the non paid ones often lag behind. SEO Companies and social media experts are of the view that organic reach of posts has been on a constant decline. Facebook, one of the most widely used social media channels updated its algorithm in 2018 whereby it is now pushing posts or content from family and friends over publishers and pages.

7 Tips for increasing your organic reach on search

Every dark cloud has a silver lining they say and fighting with challenges is what comes naturally to businesses. Surely this organic reach challenge can be tackled by optimizing social media publication strategy. To bring out the best organic growth it is essential for businesses and business owners to be proactive rather than relying solely on SEO agencies. Of course with startups and cash crunched business making use of affordable SEO services still adds value to the business’s overall growth, increasing organic reach requires specified social media management.

1: Create more engaging and unique content

Content remains the king irrespective of any algorithm change by social media platforms. A good innovative and unique content that makes use of audio, video, info graphics not only adds value to the consumer, it can easily earn more user engagement. Uniqueness holds the key as many brands commit the mistake of using the same content on all social media platforms. Since each platform targets a specific age group of users, the content must not just be compelling and fresh but also unique for each of the social media platforms. For example a fashion brand can make use of Instagram to post behind the scene stories while showcasing Live feed of a fashion show on their Facebook feed, thus making the content unique and innovative for both platforms. Some of the best SEO agencies also advocate sharing of genuine content from others and not always pushing of your own brand’s content.

2: Optimize your social media profiles

When was the last time your updated your brand’s social media profile? Being organic has a lot to do with ensuring your profiles are up to date and SEO friendly. For example pages with keywords in their Facebook profile names are crawled better by search giant Google compared to brands with minimal description. A good Search Engine Optimization agency can help monitor social media profiles and make changes in accordance with changing algorithms of both search engines and social media platforms.

3: Publish evergreen content

Social media posts can have a varied shelf life. If you as a brand are posting content with a short shelf life, the chances of it being already out of date when reaching the audiences is high. As part of your overall social media marketing plan posting evergreen content including educational or humor oriented take on matters. All of this holds a higher chance of being viral and thus higher organic reach. Engaging posts are what SEO firms, social media marketing companies and social media platforms love. The higher the interactivity in your posts, the higher is the chance for a wider reach.

4: Use organic post targeting

For an organic reach, it is important to ensure your content is being targeted organically to people whom it is meant for. Most social media platforms allow for organic post targeting based on gender, interest, relationship status, language and location. For example if you are a wedding services company it serves no purpose if your post is seen by users who are already married or live in a different location than places you serve. Targeting the right audience is just as essential as creating the perfect content to ensure an organic growth in search results.

5: Post quality over quantity

The one thing almost every Search Engine Optimization agency will advocate is quantity of content. The higher the content, the better is the chance to make it popular and searchable. On social media platforms however posting quality content over quantity is what can make a difference. Timing your content as per the demographics of your user base and posting interactive content outlives the value of posting high quantity content with not much activity.

6: Be interactive

Facebook organically pushes posts which ensure a higher interactivity amongst people. This means that a higher interactive page has more likelihood of becoming better crawled in organic search results. Brands can make use by posting content that can spark debates and discussions in the comments section. The more interaction by the page or brand itself not only allows for better interactivity but high organic growth. Start out an interactive poll, contests or ‘Ask Me Anything’ based conversations are also good ways as suggested by top SEO agencies.

7: Get verified

The blue tick of verification on social media platforms is not just some ego boost but can make a real difference in organic growth. It is not uncommon for brands to come up against impersonators claiming to be the official page of the brand. With blue tick verification in place, brands can ensure their official page ranks higher in organic search over any such dubious claimed pages. Getting verified not only ensures credibility but also ensure followers follow your official page. For smaller brands, appearing on news publication websites and having a good number of dedicated followers can help in claiming the blue tick verification tag.

Conclusion: Increasing organic reach on social media is a challenge especially for smaller brands. However by incorporating dedicated tips and strategies the road to organic growth can be a smooth ride.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy

This was when the internet was growing in popularity and having an online presence alone was something of a novelty. Cut back to today’s day and age with huge internet penetration and online presence of even the smallest of enterprises and brands, the focus has shifted from mere presence to digital marketing. Brands are today vouching for the best digital marketing services to help them secure a watertight digital marketing plan.
Unlike traditional marketing services, digital marketing requires focused approach for the number of multiple digital media platforms each having its own distinct undercurrent. Top digital marketing agencies are often the ones that understand this subtle difference and help businesses develop a unique digital marketing strategy.

Irrespective of whether your brand opts for a PPC management company or collaborates with some affordable SEO services, having a digital presence without a digital marketing strategy is just scraping the surface.

A deep dive into the world of digital marketing

The world of internet has brought about a change in the way businesses function. From being a more localized setup, businesses today are much more global. With the physical location not holding much significance, top Digital Marketing agencies ensure they are able to take the products and services offered to a global clientage. These agencies make use of digital marketing which can be best understood as online marketing where brand awareness and product information is shared using the power of internet and social media.
For a perfect marketing campaign, brands are using both traditional marketing tools like advertisements, newspaper and magazine publications along with digital media campaigns.
While digital marketing may seem easy at the first glance, many enterprises have burned a hole in their pocket trying to understand the best strategy. The role of a Social Media Marketing agency is significant as it is best suited to advise an enterprise to choose its digital marketing plan that can work for its advance.

Five reasons why digital marketing strategy is essential for your business

Digital marketing ensures businesses stays ahead of their rivals and are able to create a loyal customer base and brand value but must adhere to apt planning and strategizing. Here are five most essential reasons why each business needs its very own customized digital marketing strategy.

1: Strategizing helps with tangible social media goals

The difference between companies having a successful social media campaigns to the ‘also-rans’ comes down to strategy. Enterprises having a defined strategy are able to achieve the desired results since they have a definite plan of action. For example if a brand is running contest or an ‘Ask me anything’ session with its founder or brand ambassador, there is a definite marketing strategy behind the same. The role of a Social MediaMarketing Agency becomes significant as they can help brands strategize their social media goals, help them monitor it constantly for successful implementation. Knowing the target audiences, their demographics, the time they are most likely to be online, understanding their purchase parity and then devising a strategy around is all lead to tangible digital media marketing campaign.

2: Important to be where your consumers already are

Companies in the past felt having an online presence and hiring a SEO agency to help them with search engine results was enough. Well, not anymore as brands are now increasingly taking their business to their clients instead of letting the consumers find and come to them. By the time a consumer searches for the product or service and reaches your website, chances are that a rival company may be proactively offering the same product and service right in the consumer’s inbox or social media page. A defined social media strategy is what it takes to ensure brands are proactive in taking their business to the consumers most likely to make a purchase. With over 60% of the world consumers constantly on their Smartphone, digital marketing strategy must be proactive to be the first one to reach the likely consumer.

3: Real time tracking and monitoring of campaigns

The one big advantage of having a well defined digital marketing strategy is that is helps in real time tracking. Digital marketing services may be a tad expensive over traditional marketing plans but the level of transparency means brands can monitor ROI over each and every campaign in minute detail. Analytical tools like bounce rate and conversation rates are extremely valuable assets for a well defined digital marketing campaign. So if a campaign is not delivering positive response as anticipated, the brand or its social media marketing agency can easily look at areas of improvement by measuring the analytics of the camping and closing on any loose ends.

4: Interactivity and brand development on the go

Consumers today are attracted towards brands and businesses that offer them a personalized experience. Digital media marketing campaigns are tailor made to offer such customization with increased interactivity and personalization. Interacting with consumers on a one-on-one level on social media platforms give consumers the confidence that the brand is listening to their concerns and addressing them on priority. The higher the interactivity the more chances of a high brand loyalty leading to viral social media marketing. 

5: Organic growth- a positive byproduct and money saver

Every brand wants more followers and more consumers or likely consumers looking at its social media posts. Organic growth is what a well defined digital marketing strategy can bring to the table making it invaluable for brands and enterprises. Every social media platform offers paid ads. With high expenditure on social media marketing ad campaigns likely to cross $23 billion mark in the next five years, brands can save a huge sum of money focusing on organic growth just by ensuing their digital marketing plans are strategically implemented.

Conclusion:  Having a digital marketing strategy is the need of the hour for it can separate successful brands online to the passive ones with a mere online presence.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tips for increasing your organic reach on search

As a brand are you assured that your content is reaching the right audiences? Surely you may be posting on social media and witnessing increasing some user interaction but is all of it helping your brand organically? With extensive paid content being promoted across social media platforms, the power of money seems to have overtaken the power of good old organic growth. In fact the falling organic reach of posts on all platforms is causing many smaller brands sleepless nights.

Understanding organic growth and its challenges

For the layman, organic growth on social media is best described as the reach or growth of a post without any money behind it. Since most social media platforms allow users to make use of their paid promotions that offer increasing penetration of posts to the interested users, the non paid ones often lag behind. SEO Companies and social media experts are of the view that organic reach of posts has been on a constant decline. Facebook, one of the most widely used social media channels updated its algorithm in 2018 whereby it is now pushing posts or content from family and friends over publishers and pages.

7 Tips for increasing your organic reach on search

Every dark cloud has a silver lining they say and fighting with challenges is what comes naturally to businesses. Surely this organic reach challenge can be tackled by optimizing social media publication strategy. To bring out the best organic growth it is essential for businesses and business owners to be proactive rather than relying solely on SEO agencies. Of course with startups and cash crunched business making use of affordable SEO services still adds value to the business’s overall growth, increasing organic reach requires specified social media management.

1: Create more engaging and unique content

Content remains the king irrespective of any algorithm change by social media platforms. A good innovative and unique content that makes use of audio, video, info graphics not only adds value to the consumer, it can easily earn more user engagement. Uniqueness holds the key as many brands commit the mistake of using the same content on all social media platforms. Since each platform targets a specific age group of users, the content must not just be compelling and fresh but also unique for each of the social media platforms. For example a fashion brand can make use of Instagram to post behind the scene stories while showcasing Live feed of a fashion show on their Facebook feed, thus making the content unique and innovative for both platforms. Some of the best SEO agencies also advocate sharing of genuine content from others and not always pushing of your own brand’s content.

2: Optimize your social media profiles

When was the last time your updated your brand’s social media profile? Being organic has a lot to do with ensuring your profiles are up to date and SEO friendly. For example pages with keywords in their Facebook profile names are crawled better by search giant Google compared to brands with minimal description. A good Search Engine Optimization agency can help monitor social media profiles and make changes in accordance with changing algorithms of both search engines and social media platforms.

3: Publish evergreen content

Social media posts can have a varied shelf life. If you as a brand are posting content with a short shelf life, the chances of it being already out of date when reaching the audiences is high. As part of your overall social media marketing plan posting evergreen content including educational or humor oriented take on matters. All of this holds a higher chance of being viral and thus higher organic reach. Engaging posts are what SEO firms, social media marketing companies and social media platforms love. The higher the interactivity in your posts, the higher is the chance for a wider reach.

4: Use organic post targeting

For an organic reach, it is important to ensure your content is being targeted organically to people whom it is meant for. Most social media platforms allow for organic post targeting based on gender, interest, relationship status, language and location. For example if you are a wedding services company it serves no purpose if your post is seen by users who are already married or live in a different location than places you serve. Targeting the right audience is just as essential as creating the perfect content to ensure an organic growth in search results.

5: Post quality over quantity

The one thing almost every Search Engine Optimization agency will advocate is quantity of content. The higher the content, the better is the chance to make it popular and searchable. On social media platforms however posting quality content over quantity is what can make a difference. Timing your content as per the demographics of your user base and posting interactive content outlives the value of posting high quantity content with not much activity.

6: Be interactive

Facebook organically pushes posts which ensure a higher interactivity amongst people. This means that a higher interactive page has more likelihood of becoming better crawled in organic search results. Brands can make use by posting content that can spark debates and discussions in the comments section. The more interaction by the page or brand itself not only allows for better interactivity but high organic growth. Start out an interactive poll, contests or ‘Ask Me Anything’ based conversations are also good ways as suggested by top SEO agencies.

7: Get verified

The blue tick of verification on social media platforms is not just some ego boost but can make a real difference in organic growth. It is not uncommon for brands to come up against impersonators claiming to be the official page of the brand. With blue tick verification in place, brands can ensure their official page ranks higher in organic search over any such dubious claimed pages. Getting verified not only ensures credibility but also ensure followers follow your official page. For smaller brands, appearing on news publication websites and having a good number of dedicated followers can help in claiming the blue tick verification tag.

Conclusion: Increasing organic reach on social media is a challenge especially for smaller brands. However by incorporating dedicated tips and strategies the road to organic growth can be a smooth ride.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How to Generate Maximum Visitors for your Website Right Away

Web Design Agency

There's so much at stake in the online industry today- exceptional professions like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, PPC management web design and development, UI/UX designing and much more. However, when it comes to generating or help your website's organic traffic shoot up, what's the trick?
Top marketers have made statements like, “I got lucky!” However, that ain't the case.

SEO is the base of any website- Search Engine Optimization has its beauty but, the SEO specialists or digital marketing agencies, for that matter help change the website traffic..

After extensive research, MetricFox, an award winning digital marketing agency has found ways in which your website can generate maximum visitors to your website:

1. Give utmost importance to data available/ generated.
Doing extensive competitive analysis is essential for digital marketers today. However, that's not because you need to 'duplify' the content. SEMRush, for instance is a good tool- here, the SEO analyst can see what keywords competitors are ranking, whether they're paying for keyword ranking etc.
With this kind of data, your website can rank for trending keywords at the cheapest rates.
Remember, your website must rank for business- related keywords. That is the key. Imagine, Uber ranks for tourism and not its cab services- their traffic is going to almost go in vain and the quality of website sure will go down.

2.  Content Creation- Very much important
That does not mean blogging more. There's more- sign up for Google Search Console- Check out the clicks, CTR and impressions on pages. Look for the most popular pages with the least number of clicks and that's got the most potential. Title tags also can be worked towards. Keywords your website would like to rank for; and meta descriptions that need to be changed- Best, click, how to, etc. can be used in title tags to increase traffic.
After that, do not forget to submit the URL for indexing.
It'll take time- 2 months and you'll see the results. Check after 30 days- if you do not see a good change or no change at all, rework!
Here's a few Google Search Console tips:
Look for high impression keywords
Look for keywords having CTR below 5%
Expand upon your content and make it more thorough
Make sure you include similar keywords within your text

3. Get sticky! Work on the emotional aspect of your brand.
Google wants to rank websites which are sticky. They want brands which are being visited all the time. Eg. Check out options like subscribe. Send notifications everytime you update your blog and it drives traffic back.
Building a brand and emotional connection are the key. Google friendly websites are ok- but, they want websites to have frequent visitors.

4. Don't be upfront- keep things customer- centric.
If you have a website with a homepage comprising of your $5000 service, you probably won't see any buyers in spite of having the details put up very honestly and clearly. However, when it comes to lead magnet, with offers there's more- you'd get email addresses meaning, you'd get a good email list base as well as a rise in traffic. Pop-ups also help. Discount coupons etc.  Do you get the point? Keep it indirect.
SEO Services
Check out multiple tools to create a lead magnet- Hello Bar, Bounce Exchange, etc.
In case, if you can't figure out what is it that your prospects need- you can go for Buzzsumo or you can always give out a survey, learning from your visitors what they'd enjoy.

5. Good things take time.
If you ask to the point questions, you'd not expect the answers you need. Good things take time. Track visitors so that you can build a relationship. This can be done with tools like Ubersuggest because high volume and CTR are essential
Also, 3 word keywords are always better- eg. London SEO company are easy to rank for.
Buy, affordable, cheap; basically action or comparison words, there can be quite good results. Competitor numbers are also visible. Go for high search keywords per month. However, that doesn't mean that you'd get high traffic but, you’ll do better.

6.  Invest in consultancy and mentorship.
Learn from the best and reach out to digital marketing agencies or people who trained you. You never know what you'd wind up learning. Here's why you need mentorship or SEO consultancy services:
Learn from professional
Don't take the business to the next level all by yourself- reach out to better, combine your knowledge with them and you'll see the change!
It's a quality investment because at the end of the day, it helps build knowledge and work towards skills, learning experiences and more while, developing your website!
There are 200+ google factors to focus on. Pick what you wish to and feel like it, at the end of the day. You can't work on all- in fact, if you pick the right 20% options, you'd see the change!
Please note, you don't have to pay for information- free information is out there as well. You can always work with digital marketing agencies who're good at their job.

In the end, here's the reality the information may seem to be overwhelming but, at the end of this, you've only got a few options in store-
If you're a small business, you can always reach out to a good digital marketing company. Free is not much of an option here- blogs may help but, to get real results, you do need professionals
Work with a digital marketing company who has a proven system for growing companies and is amazing at it!

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Tips for Increasing your Organic Reach on Search

As a brand are you assured that your content is reaching the right audiences?  Surely you may be posting on social media and witnessi...